Introduction to Publishing.
As covered in previous sections there are several ways to extract, export and use creations made in Mindmatters. With the additional option to Publish your creations Mindmatters provides a suite of unique functionality. Publication options can be managed via the Publisher Control Panel.

The first button opens the Publication Editor Menu. All Settings relating to the behaviour of this diagram can be managed from here.
The second shows a preview of the diagram in interactive mode, based on current settings.
The final button opens the Publication Manager Menu. From here publications can be added, deleted or updated.
Published diagrams are stored on our database and a permanent URL is generated. When shared with other users this allows access to the interactive version of your creation,
without being able to edit, change or even access the diagram on which it is based. Currently all users are able to upload three free diagrams.
temporaryThere are currently no options available to increase the number of published diagrams. Although this will be added in future development
Interactive Shapes and Diagrams
Every shape within your diagram has one of three states in publish or preview mode; Open, Closed or Selected.
A "Closed" shape remains closed when clicked by a user. An "Open" shape becomes "Selected", and a "Selected" shape becomes "Open" ie Toggles between the two states.
Special custom commands and visual effects can be assigned to run anytime a user interacts with a shape (such as with a touch screen press, mouse click or hover over). By
using these options it is possible to create anything from simple interactive displays to complex, multi functional presentations. Shape states can also be set through
custom commands.